孙丽娜 研究员

研究方向: 养殖生态学
岗  位: 研究员
部  门: 海洋生态与环境科学重点实验室
联系方式: 0532-82896096
电子邮件: sunlina@qdio.ac.cn
女,19861月生,硕士生导师。先后赴澳大利亚The University of Queensland和美国Duke University开展学术研究与合作交流。现任中国海洋学会海洋生物资源专业委员会副秘书长,入选中科院青年创新促进会会员、山东省青联委员和中国科学院海洋研究所“汇泉青年学者”。研究领域主要为运用功能基因组学、实验生物学等分子生物学手段,聚焦于海参等动物的特殊生理行为如再生行为的调控机制解析,并且关注于海参的优良性状的遗传解析与分子辅助育种研究。参与出版中英文专著6部,作为参与人获得省部级奖励四项。第一作者与通讯作者在PloS Biology等期刊发表SCI文章40余篇,总引用次数1500余次,单篇最高引用150多次。


 2008.07-2013.06 中国科学院海洋研究所 海洋生态学 研究生 博士

 2004.09-2008.06 中国海洋大学 生物科学 本科  学士













1.Zhang, X.#,L. Sun#, J. Yuan#, Y. Sun#, Y. Gao#, L. Zhang#, S. Li#, H. Dai, J.-F. Hamel, C. Liu, Y. Yu, S. Liu, W. Lin, K. Guo, S. Jin, P. Xu, K. B. Storey, P. Huan, T. Zhang, Y. Zhou, J. Zhang, C. Lin, X. Li, L. Xing, D. Huo, M. Sun, L. Wang, A. Mercier*, F. Li*, H. Yang* and J. Xiang*. "The sea cucumber genome provides insights into morphological evolution and visceral regeneration." PLOS Biology, 2017, 15(10): e2003790.

2.Sun, L.,Lin C., Li X., Xing L., Huo D., Sun J., Zhang L. and Yang H. "Comparative Phospho- and Acetyl Proteomics Analysis of Posttranslational Modifications Regulating Intestine Regeneration in Sea Cucumbers." Frontiers in Physiology, 2018, 9: 836.

3.D. Huo,L. Sun*, J. Sun, L. Zhang, S. Liu, F. Su and H. Yang (2021). "Sea cucumbers in a high temperature and low dissolved oxygen world: roles of miRNAs in the regulation of environmental stresses." Environmental Pollution 268: 115509.

4.H. Zhang, Q. Wang, J. Zhao, S. Liu, L. Zhang, Y. Zhao, H. Yang andL. Sun*(2020). "Quantitative microbiome profiling links microbial community variation to the intestine regeneration rate of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus." Genomics 112(6): 5012-5020.

5.D. Huo,L. Sun*, J. Sun, C. Lin, S. Liu, L. Zhang and H. Yang (2021). "Emerging roles of circRNAs in regulating thermal and hypoxic stresses in Apostichopus japonicus (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea)." Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 228: 112994.

6.Sun L., Sun J., Li X., Zhang L.*, Yang H., Wang Q.. Understanding Regulation of microRNAs on intestine regeneration in the Sea Cucumber Apostichopus japonicus using High-Throughput Sequencing. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D 2017, 22, 1-9.

7.Huo, D.,L. Sun*, K. B. Storey, L. Zhang, S. Liu, J. Sun and H. Yang* (2020). "The regulation mechanism of lncRNAs and mRNAs in sea cucumbers under global climate changes: Defense against thermal and hypoxic stresses." Science of The Total Environment 709: 136045.

8.H. Song#, X. Guo#,L. Sun#, Q. Wang#, F. Han, H. Wang, G. A. Wray, P. Davidson, Q. Wang, Z. Hu, C. Zhou, Z. Yu, M. Yang, J. Feng, P. Shi, Y. Zhou, L. Zhang and T. Zhang* (2021). "The hard clam genome reveals massive expansion and diversification of inhibitors of apoptosis in Bivalvia." BMC Biology 19(1): 15.

9.Cui, W., D. Huo, S. Liu, L. Xing, F. Su, H. Yang andL. Sun*(2021). "Construction of a High-Density Genetic Linkage Map for the Mapping of QTL Associated with Growth-Related Traits in Sea Cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus)." Biology 11(1): 50.

10.Xing L.,Sun L.*, Liu S., Li X., Zhang L., Yang H.*.Transcriptome analysis provides insights into the mechanism of albinism during dierent pigmentation stages of the albino sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. Aquaculture, 2018: 486:148-160.





4.中国科学院科技促进发展奖,现代海洋牧场构建技术创新与集成应用团队,2017, 10/10
