孙铂光 副研究员

研究方向: 海洋生物病原细菌
岗  位: 副研究员
部  门: 实验海洋生物学重点实验室
联系方式: 0532-82891027
电子邮件: sunboguang@qdio.ac.cn
理学博士,副研究员。研究方向为海洋动物细菌病原的致病机制、宿主免疫及疫病防控。曾在针对海洋动物重要病原菌——哈维氏弧菌的研究中,阐明其主要毒力因子VHH溶血素的作用机制,相关研究成果获国家海洋局海洋创新成果二等奖和青岛市自然科学二等奖各1次。迄今发表论文41篇,其中在Journal of Bacteriology、International Journal of Biological Macromolecules、Fish & Shellfish Immunology、Aquaculture、Veterinary Microbiology、Cell Stress & Chaperones等期刊发表第一作者/通讯作者论文10篇;主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目,“973”项目子课题,“十二五”支撑计划子课题等国家级项目4项,经费总额190余万元;应邀为Frontiers in Immunology、Vaccine和Fish & Shellfish Immunology等刊物审稿多篇。近几年专注于将CRISPR基因编辑技术应用于解析迟缓爱德华氏菌III型分泌系统和VI型分泌系统的调控机制和毒力功能。












1.         Sun BG, Zhang XH, Tang X, Wang S, Zhong Y, Chen J, et al. A single residue change inVibrio harveyihemolysin results in the loss of phospholipase and hemolytic activities and pathogenicity for turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). J Bacteriol. 2007, 189:2575-9.

2.         Yu LP, Hu YH, Zhang XH,Sun BG*. Development of a triplex loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for rapid on-site detection of threeVibriospecies associated with fish diseases. Aquaculture. 2013, 414:267-73.

3.         Sun BG, Dang W, Sun L, Hua YH.Vibrio harveyiHsp70: Immunogenicity and application in the development of an experimental vaccine againstV. harveyiandStreptococcus iniae. Aquaculture. 2014, 418:144-7.

4.         Sun BG, Hu YH. Evaluation of potential internal references for quantitative real-time RT-PCR normalization of gene expression in red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Fish Physiol Biochem. 2015, 41:695-704.

5.         Sun BG, Hu YH. Identification, mRNA expression profiling and activity characterization of cathepsin L from red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Fish Physiol Biochem. 2015, 41:1463-73.

6.         Sun BG, Chi H. Cathepsin S ofSciaenops ocellatus: Identification, transcriptional expression and enzymatic activity. Int J Biol Macromol. 2016, 82:76-82.

7.         Qiu R, Liu X, Hu YH,Sun BG*.Expression characterization and activity analysis of a cathepsin B from Pacific abaloneHaliotis discus hannai. Fish Shellfish Immun. 2013, 34:1376-82.

8.         Sun BG, Hu Y. A novel small heat shock protein ofHaliotis discus hannai: characterization, structure modelling and expression profiles under environmental stresses. Cell Stress Chaperon. 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s12192-016-0683-7.

9.         Sun BG, Zhang M. Analysis of the antibacterial effect of anEdwardsiella tardaLuxS inhibitor. Springerplus. 2016, 5:92. DOI:10.1186/s40064-016-1733-4.

10.  Zhou ZJ#,Sun BG#, Sun L.Edwardsiella tardaSip1: A serum-induced zinc metalloprotease that is essential to serum resistance and host infection. Vet Microbiol. 2015, 177:332-40.


1. 青岛市自然科学二等奖. 2014.海水鱼类主要病原菌的致病性及其环境适应机制,主要完成人:张晓华,陈吉祥,于敏,孙铂光,杨慧。

2. 国家海洋局海洋创新成果二等奖. 2010.哈维氏弧菌溶血素的发现与致病机理,主要完成人:张晓华,陈吉祥,孙铂光,钟英斌,白方方,贾爱荣,李筠。